To’nòn ignà – opening on august the 22nd, in casso
To’nòn ignà
Curated by: dolomiti contemporanee in collaboration with Stefano Moras
From August the 22nd to September the 26th
Nuovo spazio di Casso
Opening: Saturday August the 22nd, 6 PM
Artists: Pamela Breda, Lorenzo Commisso, Roberto Da Dalt, Veronica De Giovannelli, Evelyn Leveghi, Nicolas Magnant, Lara j. Marconi, Stefano Moras.
To’nòn ignà is a project dedicated to the return, the motion and the searching for places, things and people.
To’nòn ignà means “let’s come back here”, in the local dialect.
This saying was often used by the inhabitants of the area during the mountain pasture that took place on Mt. Toc during the summer, in particular at the end of the working season, when people left that slope of the mountain, and returned to their hamlet.
The northern slope of Mt. Toc is located right in front of the village of Casso, on the other side of the valley. Where, today, only a massive fossil left by the landslide remains, there used to be pastures, barns, and houses owned by people from both Erto and Casso. The inhabitants of Casso, thus, lived through two phases during the year: the working one, in summer time, and the resting one, in the winter.
Where are Erto and Casso? In a place where, because of the Vajont Tragedy, all the possible geographies (physical, social, human), have been forever changed and rewritten, perhaps the answer to the question “where am I?” it isn’t such a given.
The deep alteration of the territory argues the values and identities that before allowed for a solid basis for the local culture. Now, in this context, the so-called fundamental questions (“where am I?”, “what do I do for a living?”, “what am I going to eat?”, “what do I feel?”) are not needed to define the context in a generic way, but rather to ignite a spark (of addition, or change) which necessarily lives of what the original culture offers and/or maintains.
What is added to it today is the present, the contemporaneity, which brings its life questions along, necessary, essential, and urgent: how it may be possible to be here, conscious, to move forward. Maybe it is necessary to ask ourselves, indeed, here, in this place so characterized, on the basis of those elements that are kept alive in villages like Erto and Casso, with the aim of being somehow able to kindle with solutions that are particular to(multidisciplinar) art, a real proposal; active, attentie, meaningful. The objective, then, isn’t a dissociated discussion, but the return to a knowing, creative approach to the territory.
The artists have worked in direct contact with the territory, carrying out excursions and meetings: the Residency remains one of the main and essential tools that Dolomiti Contemporanee uses to put the artists in the position to really discover the territory and the people, penetating in the landspace, which in this case is the very complicated one of the Vajont, to gain a deeper understanding of it. One of the first explorations of the physical geography of the area was carried out together with geologist Emiliano Oddone.
An important partner for the project is Paper & People, which equipped Dolomiti Contemporanee with an extraordinary medium on which to work: Repap is “stone paper”, produced with a mixture of biological ingredients, among which sap and stone dust, photodegradable and biodegradable elements which completely dispel in the environment without polluting it. This paper is 100% recyclable, and recoverable for the production of new paper. We’d like to thank the whole DC partner network, thanks to which it is possible for us to organise projects and activities.
The exhibit, like the others activities that take place in Casso, in part of the cultural schedule of the Dolomiti Days, promoted and supported by the Pordenone Proince, Erto and Casso Municipality, Dolomiti UNESCO Foundation, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Natural Park of the Friulan Dolomites, Udine Proince, FVG Tourism, and is realised thanks to the collaboration of Cooperativa Il Mazarol.
Opening times: the exhibit remains open from Thrusday to Sunday, 10 AM through 12:30 PM, and 3 PM through 7 PM.
May 16, 2022
June 28, 2021
June 20, 2017
March 19, 2017
January 25, 2017
August 29, 2016
April 16, 2016
March 17, 2016
March 15, 2016