March 3, 2016

The Museum Ladin Ćiastel de Tor of San Martino in Badia will host the fifth edition of the Trienala Ladina, a collective exhibit intended to enchance and support the production of ladina art.We’d like to remind that the ladina region includes the 5 ladina valleys (Badia Valley, Gardena Valley, Di Fassa Valley, Livinallongo and Ampezzo), the Dei Grigioni Canton (CH) and the friulan area.  One can take part in the Trienala through a contest hosted by the museum.The contest announcement can be found here. From the 10th to the 11th of March, the jury has been determining the following
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February 28, 2016

Dolomiti contemporanee takes part in the T.I.N.A. (This Is Not an Art) prize.Deadline: March the 31st, 2016 T.I.N.A. is a global platform that allows for the interaction and creation of new projects betwen galleries, curators and artists.During this phase the format is being launched in the Veneto Region, Moscow and Sydney.Other cities that have already joined in are: Rome, Milan, Barcelona, Berlin, Madrid, Los Angeles, Lisbon, Amsterdam. The fourth open call introduced by T.I.N.A. in January, has its deadline on March the 31st, 2016. It is accessible to any artist, with no restriction based on nationality, age or techniqueDuring
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February 26, 2016

DC informs: On Friday, February the 26th, at 7:30 PM, the exhibit Index Roma will be inaugurated in Madrid, at the National Copper Engraving headquarters inside the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. The exhibit is a collection of the pieces realised by the scholarship holders of the Real Academia de España en Roma of 2014-2015.The exhibit will remain open until April the 17th, 2016.   The artists Giuseppe Vigolo and Antonella Zerbinati are taking part in it with the piece Santos Dias, which will be displayed together with the plates titled Los Desastres de la Guerra
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January 4, 2016

During the first days of January 2016, a new spark for the experimental printing Lab that is being activated in the Colonia di Borca was lit. The Print Lab project has begun in September 2015, during the “Riparare, prendersi cura” workshop, realized with Marta Allegri and the Fine Arts Academy of Venice. The workshop had the aim of developing a transformative capacity in regards of the territory, through care and maintenance (riparare, prendersi cura) of objects and spaces. In this context, Sofia Bonato, a student at the Academy, proposed to create an experimental printing and carving lab in the
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December 10, 2015

The website for Terre del Basso Feltrino (Eng.: Basso Feltrino Lands) is online.The platform was realised by Bra_ba_m. And Bra_ba_m takes care of Dolomiti Contemporanee‘s communications as well.What does that mean? It means that it was DC itself the one to present Bra_Ba_M to the Municipality of Quero Vas, when the Municipality, together with the others in the area (Union of the Seven Municipalities), decided to equip itself with a tool of territorial enhancement, which is the website linked above (here a post on DC‘s work in the former Vas Paper Mill during the course of 2015). What does
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November 24, 2015

presentation of the ORA! Announcement, Contemporary languages, innovative productionsTuesday, December the 1st, 11 AMTafuri Hall, Badoer Buildingcalle de la laca 2468 san polo, Venice       The Compagnia di San Paolo has launched the Ora! Announcement, Contemporary Languages, Innovative Productions. “The Announcement aims to promote cultural production on a national level through the support of projects in the visual and performative arts spheres, as well as other expressive languages of contemporary culture…”You can find it here. [ITA] On the occasion of the Ora! Announcement presentation, which will take place on December the 1st,
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November 2, 2015

On Friday November the 20th, in Turin, Gianluca D’Incà Levis, curator of Dolomiti Contemporanee, will take part in the international study-conference Alps, Architecture, Patrimony. The conference is an occasion to debate some of the most current themes for architecture in the Alps: the safeguard of the assembled patrimony, the contemporary quality design, the strategies for a local sustainable development. The meeting is promoted by the Polytechnic of Milan and by the Polytechnic of Turin, which will both host the two days of in-depth analysis of these issues (in Turin on November the 20th and in Milan on December the
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October 27, 2015

On Saturday October the 31st and on Sunday November the 1st, the Colonia of the former Eni Village of Corte di Cadore will be open to the public. Starting from 3 PM, it will be possible to delve deep inside Gellner’s architectures and to get to know the artworks realised by the artists who took part in the Residency programmes at the Village with Progettoborca, a project of requalification of the site, launched by Dolomiti Contemporanee in the summer of 2014.The visit will have a duration of around two hours. The appointment is set for 3 PM at the
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October 21, 2015

Unveiling of the artwork A little song by Fabiano De Martin Topranin Friday October the 23rd, 11 AM Former Vas Paper Mill (Municipality of Quero Vas, BL) Via Case Sparse, Vas Dolomiti Contemporanee‘s work continues in the form of the Radici Future project (Eng.: future roots), carried out by the Union of the Basso Feltrino Sette Ville Municipalities – Alano di Piave and Quero Vas, and financed by the Veneto Region (L.R. 11/2014, art.9, “Celebrations in remembrance of WWI Centenary”). The project aims to enhance the value of all those locations which have been part of the Great War –
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October 5, 2015

open studio of progettoborcaSaturday, October the 10th3 PMColonia, former Eni Village of Corte di CadoreBorca di Cadore           Dolomiti Contemporanee takes part to the XI Day of the Contemporary, promoted by Amaci (Italian Contemporary Art Museums Association) on Saturday, October the 10th 2015. For this occasion, the Colonia of the former Eni VIllage of Corte di Cadore will be open to the public. From 3 PM, it will be possible to explore Edorardo Gellner’s architectures, as inserted in the environmental context of the Cadore’s Dolomites, and delving deep in the cultural and artistic active site launched here
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“Quotidiana” 16

Quotidiana is a project for the contemporary arts active since 1995, promoted by the Youngsters Project Office of the Padua Municipality.

The exhibit for the 2016 edition will be held from March the 18th to May the 6th 2016 at the Altinate San Gaetano Cultural Centre.

Among the new activities offered in Quotidiana 16, the selected artists will be granted a seminary held by Gianluca D’Incà Levis, curator of Dolomitit Contemporanee.
That will be an opportunity to confront media, tools and possibilities of the contemporary’s practices.
The aim is also to propose a more in-depth study or theoretical reflection among the artists to favour new meetings among the partecipants.

The Seminary (not open to the public) will be held on Saturday, March the 19th, from about 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM, at the Altinate San Gaetano Cultural Centre, headquarters of the exhibit (via Altinate 71, Padua), and will include the presentation of the four curators of Q16‘s edition.


Tra gli obbiettivi principali di Quotidiana, vi è la valorizzazioine delle esperienze artistiche più innovative e sperimentali, indagate da artisti emergenti nel panorama italiano.

Il progetto si sviluppa in collaborazione con GAI – Associazione per il Circuito dei Giovani Artisti Italiani, e prende vita con un bando nazionale aperto agli artisti tra i 18 e i 35 anni, i cui selezionati prenderanno parte alla mostra collettiva.

Gli obiettivi di Quotidiana sono:
- promuovere i giovani artisti a livello nazionale favorendo lo sviluppo di progetti cooperativi tra gli operatori della cultura;
- attivare occasioni di formazione e informazione per la crescita di figure professionali legate al sistema culturale locale, regionale e nazionale;
- influire sullo sviluppo di nuove modalità di relazione con la città e il territorio attraverso i linguaggi del contemporaneo.

La rassegna è articolata in quattro sezioni:
Q esposizione, 18 marzo-6 maggio 2016: esposizione collettiva di arti visive riservata ad artisti under 35, selezionati attraverso un concorso nazionale.
Q aperta, 7 aprile-21 maggio: sezione di interventi di public art, realizzati ad invito, da artisti e curatori di fama internazionale.
Q a parole, da aprile a maggio: ciclo d’incontri pubblici con operatori del settore dell’arte e della cultura, sul sistema dell’arte contemporanea, che offre uno sguardo d’insieme sulle nuove tendenze dell’arte contemporanea
Q a scuola: laboratori creativi e percorsi didattici per le scuole elementari, medie e superiori

Oltre alla promozione dell’attività artistica, Quotidiana svolge anche un ruolo formativo orientato alla crescita professionale dei giovani artisti. Il confronto con una realtà nazionale, nonché con diverse modalità di intendere il lavoro artistico, favorisce lo sviluppo di relazioni e collaborazioni tra giovani professionisti dell’arte.

Artisti selezionati Quotidiana 16:

Amedeo Abello
Daniele Costa
Francesco Del Conte
Pamela Diamante
Chiara Diluviani
Francesca Ferreri
Valentina Furian
Marco Gobbi
Martina Melilli
Mona Mohagheghi
Caterina Morigi
Stefan Nestoroski
Fabio Roncato
Valentino Russo
Miriam Secco
Davide Sgambaro
Michele Tajariol
Valerio Veneruso
Annalisa Zegna
Daniele Zoico e Antonella Campisi

Artista invitato:
Riccardo Giacconi
Premio Mediterranea 17 – Milano 2015
BJCEM – Biennale dei Giovani Artisti dell’Europa e del Mediterraneo