17 novembre – Dolomia Noise Wall a Casso

Toxic Industries e Dolomiti Contemporanee presentano:

Dolomia Noise Wall a Casso – sabato 17 novembre 2018


h 17:00 Apertura Nuovo Spazio di Casso
h 18.30 / 19.30:
Landscapes of drones, loops, reverberated guitars and electronic patterns mixed in a hazy live-set somewhere between dream and conciousness.
h 19.30 / 21.30: i gruppi.

Line up:

Sam McKinlay has, for over two decades, explored and distilled into sound various permutations of fetish and vice. He is recognized as the creator of the harsh noise wall, but that sound — massive and rich textural layers of relentless, monolithic fields of distortion — was nothing new, in and of itself. It was McKinlay’s conceptual intent and the singular intensity of his focus that established it as something novel and profound. One recognizes in McKinlay’s unwavering approach to his body of work the obsessiveness of the fetishist. McKinlay’s compulsive reverence for noise — for the unyielding, deliberate weight of wall noise — is a fetish of sound. There is an aesthetic rigor often associated with the fetishization of form or object. Seen through the eyes of the most focused and obsessed, fixations often manifest in a manner that is highly refined, sculpted, concentrated, and even artistic. The line distinguishing the artist from the fetishist is always blurry and often non-existent.

MK9 is a sound and visual therapy project by michael nine that began in the latter half of 2001. Preceding the end of the controversial and confrontational performances as the renowned project Death Squad. Originally from San Francisco, California he now resides in Vancouver, Canada.
This ongoing project seeks to understand the irrational nature and motivation of the human species. Performances include pre-constructed sound as well as live frequency creation.
Expression will occur with audio-video reporting. Material will include observed social actions and behaviors. At times our evolution stands still and becomes a counter productive mire of redundancy and backwards progress. It can be a very small isolated window each of us looks from, out into a much larger space of existence.
Video, voice, sound and handouts will be offered

Kate Rissiek is an artist based in Vancouver, Canada who has performed under the name Rusalka since 2007. Employing theremin and other electronics, Rusalka achieves visceral and, at times, abrasive sounds in her exploration of subconscious states and the dark recesses of human nature. A struggle between filth and transcendence occurs which stirs together crude electronics and an ethereal electromagnetic grasp for emergence. Her recent work often features subtle, yet profound, shifts in mood, timbre, and focus demonstrating a fervent refusal to clearly delineate between introspection and observation

Your trusted local sonic terrorist.
A special collaboration/site specific harsh noise set.

[Si iniziò presto, si finì presto
(tranne per lorenzo che chiuse alle 2:00)
furono tutti puntuali
(tranna dardo che, rientrando da londra, rigettava a longarone
fece freddo
quel che serviva]

qui breve video dc sulla serata:


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