paths – stefano cerio – september 12 casso
pathsby stefano cerio
curated by gianluca d’incà levisseptember 12 – november 9, 2014nuovo spazio di casso
Opening, Friday September the 12th, 6:30 pm
In the month of July 2014, Stefano Cerio has worked in Casso, and in Borca di Cadore to the Paths project, which becomes now his personal exhibit at the Spazio di Casso. The artwork has been realized [read more]
the inner outside (bivouacs) – friday, july the 18th, cas
The inner outside (bivouacs) curated by Gianluca D’Incà Levis 18th of July/31st of August 2014 Nuovo Spazio di Casso Inauguration on July the 18th at 6 PM
artists: Giuseppe Abate, Gabriele Arruzzo, Mattia Bosco, Enej Gala, Gola Hundun, Christian Fogarolli, Andrea Grotto, Filippo Manzini, Tiziano Martini, Cristiano Menchini, Michelangelo Penso, Mario Tomè
On Friday, July the 18th, with [read more]
cambio di muta
Denis Riva Cambio di mutaJune the 12th/July the 11th 2014Nuovo Spazio di Casso
Cambio di MutaChange of SuitIf the duration is the continuous progress of the past which gnaws into the future (henri bergson), then every moult (muta), and every sign, are a motion of the being and the conscience (as well as the project, since the nature isn’t enough for us).Then, [read more]
upokeimenon (sott’acque)
upokeimenon (sott’acque)upokeimenon (under the waters)
21 September – 03 november Nuovo Spazio di Casso 28 September – 03 November marine aquarium of trieste
curator: gianluca d’incà levis with the help of michela lupieri
artists: francesca banchelli, antonio bardino, t-yong chung, arnold mario dall’o, nebojsa despotovic, daniela di maro, francesco fossati, michele gabriele, [read more]
open in painting
open in painting17th – 25th august 2013 opening 1st of september 2013 brigata alpina cadore mountain hut
artists: andreco, emanuele kabu, davide zucco.
The Brigata Alpina Cadore Mountain Hut is one of the factories that characterize the recent history of the Nevegal Alp, the high Hill which overlooks the town of Belluno, Southwards. A large parallelepipedal building, [read more]
let’s make like a tree. and leaves
let’s make like a tree. and leaves, is a project developed by Elisa Bertaglia during a period of residency in the spaces offered by Dolomiti Contemporanee in the village of Casso, whose aim is to create a symbolic relationship of exchange between the artist and the inhabitants of the village itself. In the first few days of residence 10 drawings of the series “Leaves of grass” were [read more]
et un’ oseliera et non vi è
et un’oseliera et non vi èe aviary e there is note
curated by Gianluca D’Incà LevisAndraz CastleLivinallongo del Col di Lana (BL)10th of August – 8th of September 2013extended until the 29th of SeptemberInauguration: Saturday, August the 10th, at 6 pmAt 6:45 pm: performance by Hannes Egger “Perform Yourself”At 8:15 pm: performance COLORA (Lorenzo Commisso and [read more]
La cura dello sguardo
La cura dello sguardo(the care of the gaze)Curated by Gianluca D’Incà Levis/Elisa Decet a collaboration with Musei delle Regole di Cortina d’Ampezzo Paleontological museum “Rinaldo Zardini” August the 3rd – September the 1st 2013extended until September the 29th opening Saturday, August the 3rd at 6:30 pm
#curadellosguardo(#careofthegaze)Artists: Gabriele Grones, Patte [read more]
roccedimenti. fatte, non finite, le nature contemporanee
Roccedimenti. fatte, non finite, le nature contemporanee. (Rocksedures. Done, not finished, the contemporary natures)
Curated by Gianluca D’Incà Levis, in collaboration with Guido Bartorelli July the 6th / September the 8th, 2013 Nuovo Spazio di Casso
Opening Saturday, July the 6th, at 6 pm
Artists: francesco ardini, pierpaolo [read more]
the end of the border (of the mind)
the end of the border (of the mind)
5 march 2013, diga del vajont (casso)
6 march 2013, tofana di rozes (cortina d’ampezzo)
The project THE END OF THE BORDER (of mind) by Stefano Cagol, artist invited to the Barents Art Triennale 2012-2014, is a symbolic one month travel/expedition through Europe until its extreme boundaries tracing evocative lines of light in the sky able to cross [read more]
freaking out the animal
freaking out the animal5 march – 5 may 2013new venue of cassocurator: gianluca d’incà levis
artist: andrea [read more]
May 16, 2022
Dolomiti Contemporanee takes part in the Nouveau Grand Tour program, a cultural project stemmed from the Quirinal Treaty, signed by Presidents Macron and Draghi in November 2021.
The pact aims to strengthen relations between Italy and France in several areas, in a
[read more]June 28, 2021
Thursday, July 1, 2021, 7 pm – lecture: art and international residencies in the alpine territory
on thursday, July 1, 2021, dolomiti contemporanee will take part in a series of lectures organized by the städelschule in frankfurt.
the städelschule lectures, summer
[read more]June 20, 2017
On Monday, June the 19th 2017, Deborah Serracchiani, president of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, came here, in the Vajont area.
She first visited the dam, together with the mayors, the vice president Bolzonello, and the people in charge of the enel plant.
After the dam, the
[read more]March 19, 2017
Peak – INTHEMOUNTAINS Saturday April 1st 2017 – Progettoborca Open-studio 2 – 8 PM, former Eni Village, Borca di Cadore (BL)
On Saturday, April 1st 2017, Dolomiti Contemporanee proposes an Open-studio at the Colonia (Eng.: summer camp building) of the former Eni
[read more]January 25, 2017
Gianluca D’Incà Levis, ideator and curator of Dolomiti Contemporanee, is part of the Jury of Smach, Constellation of art, culture and history in the Dolomites, 2017.www.smach.it
The jury of SMACH Edition 2017 is made up of artists and other art and design
[read more]August 29, 2016
Progettoborca – Residencies and Lab for Landscape, is the name of the Crowdfounding campaign we’re launching on Semptember 1st 2016, and through which we’d like to put into practice the operative and productive capabilities inside the extraordinary former Eni
[read more]April 16, 2016
There was a lot of excitement today (April the 16th), as well as hundreds of young people and families, in H-Farm‘s super-lab, where the program and activities for the 2016 Digital Summer Camp were presented.To sum up, a lot of things will happen in those ten weeks of
[read more]March 17, 2016
June the 9th 2015suddenly, as soon as lee was buried, the new vampire raised (blessed kid: he sucks even when there’s nothing to suck): cristopher.Also known as christo.His mum, whom I’ve known for a year, and knows me very well too, isn’t coming back.A
[read more]March 15, 2016
GEORGE_Microzine n.01
opening/presentation of fanzineSaturday, March the 19th 2016, 6 PMArthur Cravan Foundation Via Aleardi 11, Mila
Cose Cosmiche and the Arthur Cravan Foundation are launching the first issue of George, a pocket microfanzine gathering all the weapons
[read more]Quotidiana is a project for the contemporary arts active since 1995, promoted by the Youngsters Project Office of the Padua Municipality.
The exhibit for the 2016 edition will be held from March the 18th to May the 6th 2016 at the Altinate San Gaetano Cultural Centre.
[read more]