
trifase 4 august – 9 september 2012 Taibon block – apl 5 curators: matteo efrem rossi and elisa decetin collaboration with eventi-arte-veneziaartists: thomas braida, roberto de pol and martino genchihere the video about the second session of exhibitions at taibon [read more]


cubodentro 4 august – 9 september 2012Taibon Block – apl 7 curator: gianluca d’incà levisproject in collaboration with es gallery (merano)artists: christian martinelli and andrea salvà (from the collective cubestories: christian martinelli, andrea salvà and andrea pizzini)here the video about the first session of exhibitions at taibon [read more]

future, landscape in dc. a changing exhibition

future, landscape in dc. a changing exhibition 4 august – 9 september 2012 Taibon block – apl 8 curators: riccardo caldura, in collaboration with gianluca d’incà levis, guido molinari, paolo toffoluti (a partnership between forte marghera-parco del contemporaneo and dolomiti contemporanee)artists: giovanni morbin, cristian chironi, cuoghi corsello, laura dall’aglio, jonathan vivacqua, [read more]

dolomiti contemporanee in “future, landscape”

dolomiti contemporanee in partnership with parco del contemporaneo future, landscape: a changing exhibition 26 may – 31 august 2012 (26 may – 8 july, first part) opening: friday 25 may, h 18.00, forte marghera, mestre (Venice), pavillion 36open from thursday to sunday, h 17.00-22.00 (otherwise by [read more]

mountain ways

mountain ways
mountain ways  4 august – 9 september 2012 Taibon Block – apl 6 in collaboration with  Raffaelli art studio (Trento)artists: laurina paperina and federico lanaro. here the video about the first session of exhibitions at taibon [read more]

dc pulse/two

dcpulse two
dc pulse/two  17 september – 16 october 2011 sass muss – sass de mura buiding opening saturday 16 september 2011, h. 18.30 curator: gianluca d’incà levis artists: matteo attruia, elisa bertaglia, luca chiesura, cristian chironi, emanuele kabu, minji kim, federica menin, cristina pancini, alessandro pavone, giacomo roccon, barbara taboni, mario tomè, davide [read more]


azimut 17 september – 16 october 2011sass muss, pavione buildingopening saturday 17 september 2011, h. 18.30curator: alice ginaldiartists: alis/filliol, manuele cerutti, paolo gonzato, fabrizio prevedello, laura pugno [read more]

dolomitenhof resort

dolomitenhof resort 17 september – 16 october 2011 sass muss, pizzocco building opening saturday 17 september 2011, h. 18.30 curator: association E (Francesco Urbano and Francesco Ragazzi) artists: priscilla tea, eugenia vanni, antonio guiotto, nicola genovese, rachele maistrello, daniele pezzi, francesco [read more]


contractions 17 september – 16 october 2011 sass muss, schiara building  opening saturday 17 september 2011, h. 18.30 curator: daniele capraartists: bianco-valente, ludovico bomben, nemania cvijanović, alessandro dal pont, igor eškinja, nicola genovese, jacopo mazzonelli, giovanni morbin, michelangelo penso, roberto [read more]

la pierre de la folie

la pierre de la folie 30 july – 4 september 2011 sass muss, sass de mura building opening saturday 30 july 2011, h. 18.30 curator: alberto zanchettaartists: juan carlos ceci, manuele cerutti, fulvio di piazza, andrea facco, daniele giunta, elisa monaldi, luca pozzi, lucio pozzi, george ernest michael sinclair noble, andrea salvatori, willy [read more]

un nuovo mondo/a new world

un mondo nuovo/a new world 30 july – 4 september 2011 sass muss, schiara building  opening saturday 30 july 2011, h. 18.30 curator: andrea bruciatiartists:  guy ben-ner, andrea dojmi, christian frosi/alex cecchetti, shana moulton, markus shinwald, luca trevisani, guido van der [read more]

May 16, 2022

   Dolomiti Contemporanee takes part in the Nouveau Grand Tour program, a cultural project stemmed from the Quirinal Treaty, signed by Presidents Macron and Draghi in November 2021. The pact aims to strengthen relations between Italy and France in several areas, in a
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June 28, 2021

Thursday, July 1, 2021, 7 pm – lecture: art and international residencies in the alpine territory on thursday, July 1, 2021, dolomiti contemporanee will take part in a series of lectures organized by the städelschule in frankfurt. the städelschule lectures, summer
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June 20, 2017

On Monday, June the 19th 2017, Deborah Serracchiani, president of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, came here, in the Vajont area. She first visited the dam, together with the mayors, the vice president Bolzonello, and the people in charge of the enel plant. After the dam, the
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March 19, 2017

Peak – INTHEMOUNTAINS Saturday April 1st 2017 – Progettoborca Open-studio 2 – 8 PM, former Eni Village, Borca di Cadore (BL) On Saturday, April 1st 2017, Dolomiti Contemporanee proposes an Open-studio at the Colonia (Eng.: summer camp building) of the former Eni
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January 25, 2017

Gianluca D’Incà Levis, ideator and curator of Dolomiti Contemporanee, is part of the Jury of Smach, Constellation of art, culture and history in the Dolomites, The jury of SMACH Edition 2017 is made up of artists and other art and design
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August 29, 2016

Progettoborca – Residencies and Lab for Landscape, is the name of the Crowdfounding campaign we’re launching on Semptember 1st 2016, and through which we’d like to put into practice the operative and productive capabilities inside the extraordinary former Eni
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April 16, 2016

There was a lot of  excitement today (April the 16th), as well as hundreds of young people and families, in H-Farm‘s super-lab, where the program and activities for the 2016 Digital Summer Camp were presented.To sum up, a lot of things will happen in those ten weeks of
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March 17, 2016

June the 9th 2015suddenly, as soon as lee was buried, the new vampire raised (blessed kid: he sucks even when there’s nothing to suck): cristopher.Also known as christo.His mum, whom I’ve known for a year, and knows me very well too, isn’t coming back.A
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March 15, 2016

GEORGE_Microzine n.01 opening/presentation of fanzineSaturday, March the 19th 2016, 6 PMArthur Cravan Foundation Via Aleardi 11, Mila Cose Cosmiche and the Arthur Cravan Foundation are launching the first issue of George, a pocket microfanzine gathering all the weapons
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Quotidiana is a project for the contemporary arts active since 1995, promoted by the Youngsters Project Office of the Padua Municipality. The exhibit for the 2016 edition will be held from March the 18th to May the 6th 2016 at the Altinate San Gaetano Cultural Centre. Among
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dc 2015 video