who killed bamby – casso – august 6th
Who Killed Bambi? detrital collettive exhibitcurated by Gianluca D’Incà Levisaugust 6th – december 31st 2022 – Spazio di Casso at the VajontOpening: Saturday, august 6th, 5 PMSpazio di Casso, Via Sant’Antoni 1, Casso (Erto e Casso, Pn)the music starts at 18:00; Ping Bambi (Renzini and Passini) leads the way
ARTISTS on showcaseMarta Allegri – Marco Andrighetto – [read the rest]
DC in the Nouveau Grand Tour – Institut français d’Italie
Dolomiti Contemporanee takes part in the Nouveau Grand Tour program, a cultural project stemmed from the Quirinal Treaty, signed by Presidents Macron and Draghi in November 2021.
The pact aims to strengthen relations between Italy and France in several areas, in a framework of strengthened bilateral cooperation which includes culture, art, and ecology.
The project is [read the rest]
International Landscape Study Days 2022 ABANDONMENT
Abandonment – The landscape and the fullness of the voidInternational Landscape Study Days 2022, XVIII edition February 18thFebruary 24th-25thMarch 11th Fondazione Benettononline on Zoom Anaïs Tondeur, Geranium chinum, Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper, 2011-2016. Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Ukraine. Radiation level: 1.7 mSv/h (courtesy of Anaïs Tondeur).–The theme of abandonment [read the rest]
November 20th, casso – Visions, projects, projections from...
Visions, projects, projections from VajontNuovo Spazio di CassoSturday, November 20th 2021, 9.30 AM/1.00 PMA meeting open to designers, and to those interested in the themes and practices of land regeneration.–Dolomiti Contemporanee (DC) will host a new meeting inside the Spazio di Casso al Vajont. A workshop open to anybody who wishes to reflect on and suggest an articulated discussion [read the rest]
August 6th – DC at the Biennale: cogeneration of cultural ...
Friday, August 6th 2021, 3 – 6 PM, panel:
Dolomiti Contemporanee: cogeneration of cultural corrugation
Italian Pavilion “Resilient Communities” Venice’s Arsenale , 17. Venice Architecture Biennale
Dolomiti Contemporanee has been operating since 2011, recovering and restarting great, abandoned or troubled sites, which represent unexhausted resources for the [read the rest]
vaccanza (cowliday) – fondazione malutta vs. dc – Ju...
VACCANZAThe Mountain Tropical ExperienceorFondanzione Malutta AGAINST Dolomiti ContemporaneeJuly 31st – October 3rd 2021Spazio di Casso at the Vajont opening Saturday July 31st, at 5PMwe’ll let you know everything properly soon, including who’s playing at 6 PM
–artists on display:giulia maria bellithomas braidaluisa badinochiara campanilenina ćeranićenej galariccardo [read the rest]
July 17th, cortina – Epsonaldo & The Underdogs
Epsonaldo & The Underdogssolo exhibit by Alessandro Sambinicurated by G. D’Incà Leviswith the assistance of Giovanna Repetto and Matteo Razzano and the advice of Gabriele Greco.
From July 17th to September 3rdCortina Cooperative and Sovilla Book Storeopening hours 10:00 AM-8:00 PM.
Opening: Saturday, July 17th, 5:00 PMCortina d’Ampezzo, La Cooperativa di Cortina, Corso Italia [read the rest]
June 15th – Vajont: re-action, design, resilience
Tuesday, June 15th 2021, 2 – 4 PM, webinar panel:
two calls for vajont: fase _restart.Vajont: re-action, design, resilience
The International Artistic Contest Two Calls for Vajont was launched by Dolomiti Contemporanee (DC) in 2014.In 2020, thanks to a collaboration with ETRAR.T.E., and with the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the Contest was reactivated.In March [read the rest]
IDEAS italian dialogues on excellence, arts and science
dolomiti contemporanee is one of five projects that have been selected for the first edition of ideas – italian dialogues on excellence, arts and science, an initiative from the Directorate General for Cultural and Economic Promotion and Innovation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
Five sectors, five protagonists, five stories to portray a dynamic, [read the rest]
April 16th – Twocallls _restart – Line and Wall: giv...
Friday, April the 16th, 2021, 5-7 PM, webinar panel:
Two Calls for Vajont, International Artistic Contest: restart_phase.Line and Wall: giving the floor to the artists
The International Artistic Contest Two Calls for Vajont was launched by Dolomiti Contemporanee in 2014.In March 2021, Two Calls has received a special mention from Mibact in the context of the European Council Landscape [read the rest]
MiBACT special mention to DC for Two Calls for Vajont
On Sunday, March the 14th, National Landscape Day, Mibact announced the names of the winning project, as well as those having received a special mention, in the context of the National Landscape Award/European Council Landscape Award.
A special mention was awarded to the International Artistic Contest Two Calls for Vajont, created and devloped by Dolomiti Contemporanee on the Vajont Dam and [read the rest]
May 16, 2022
Dolomiti Contemporanee takes part in the Nouveau Grand Tour program, a cultural project stemmed from the Quirinal Treaty, signed by Presidents Macron and Draghi in November 2021.
The pact aims to strengthen relations between Italy and France in several areas, in a
[read the rest]June 28, 2021
Thursday, July 1, 2021, 7 pm – lecture: art and international residencies in the alpine territory
on thursday, July 1, 2021, dolomiti contemporanee will take part in a series of lectures organized by the städelschule in frankfurt.
the städelschule lectures, summer
[read the rest]June 20, 2017
On Monday, June the 19th 2017, Deborah Serracchiani, president of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, came here, in the Vajont area.
She first visited the dam, together with the mayors, the vice president Bolzonello, and the people in charge of the enel plant.
After the dam, the
[read the rest]March 19, 2017
Peak – INTHEMOUNTAINS Saturday April 1st 2017 – Progettoborca Open-studio 2 – 8 PM, former Eni Village, Borca di Cadore (BL)
On Saturday, April 1st 2017, Dolomiti Contemporanee proposes an Open-studio at the Colonia (Eng.: summer camp building) of the former Eni
[read the rest]January 25, 2017
Gianluca D’Incà Levis, ideator and curator of Dolomiti Contemporanee, is part of the Jury of Smach, Constellation of art, culture and history in the Dolomites, 2017.www.smach.it
The jury of SMACH Edition 2017 is made up of artists and other art and design
[read the rest]August 29, 2016
Progettoborca – Residencies and Lab for Landscape, is the name of the Crowdfounding campaign we’re launching on Semptember 1st 2016, and through which we’d like to put into practice the operative and productive capabilities inside the extraordinary former Eni
[read the rest]April 16, 2016
There was a lot of excitement today (April the 16th), as well as hundreds of young people and families, in H-Farm‘s super-lab, where the program and activities for the 2016 Digital Summer Camp were presented.To sum up, a lot of things will happen in those ten weeks of
[read the rest]March 17, 2016
June the 9th 2015suddenly, as soon as lee was buried, the new vampire raised (blessed kid: he sucks even when there’s nothing to suck): cristopher.Also known as christo.His mum, whom I’ve known for a year, and knows me very well too, isn’t coming back.A
[read the rest]March 15, 2016
GEORGE_Microzine n.01
opening/presentation of fanzineSaturday, March the 19th 2016, 6 PMArthur Cravan Foundation Via Aleardi 11, Mila
Cose Cosmiche and the Arthur Cravan Foundation are launching the first issue of George, a pocket microfanzine gathering all the weapons
[read the rest]Quotidiana is a project for the contemporary arts active since 1995, promoted by the Youngsters Project Office of the Padua Municipality.
The exhibit for the 2016 edition will be held from March the 18th to May the 6th 2016 at the Altinate San Gaetano Cultural Centre.
[read the rest]