SOLO, a group exhibition – casso, August the 20th
SOLO, a group exhibition – from AmC Coppola Collection
Nuovo Spazio di Casso
August the 20th – October 2nd 2016
Opening: Saturday August the 20th, 5:30 PM
Curated by: Gianluca D’Incà Levis and Paolo De Biasi
Artists: Nicola Samorì, Daniel Pitìn, Nina Canell, Marcel Dzama, Matthias Weischer, Uri Aran, Giuliano Sale, Manuele Cerutti.
The collective exhibit SOLO, a group exhibition, is realized thanks to the collaborations with AmC Coppola Collection.
The Collection represents itself through a magazine, SOLO, curated by the UP3 Studio.
Every issue of the magazine is dedicated to one of the artists of the Collection: the eight artists taking part in the exhibit are thus the first ones to have gained a monographic issue of SOLO dedicated to their art piece.
They are: Nicola Samorì, Daniel Pitìn, Nina Canell, Marcel Dzama, Matthias Weischer, Uri Aran, Giuliano Sale, Manuele Cerutti.
And it’s from the SOLO magazine, indeed, that the exhibit begins, from the magazine and the concept of the 2016 edition of Dolomiti Contemporanee, which is parolaprima (Eng: wordfirst), an expression that essentially points out how any conscious aesthetic isn’t anything but derivative of an idea, an idea that, first of all, displays itself in a concept-word.
In regards to the concept of parolaprima, the exhibit in Casso doesn’t directly move from the artworks of the selected artists, but rather “infers” the artists (and pieces) from the SOLO magazine, which is then their generating setup, or body.
This magazine, in fact, isn’t a mere collective instrument of critical notes, images and captions.
The magazine is the quintessential medium through which words (and thus pre-formed ideas) pour themselves in the world, powerful in their pre-aesthetic meaning.
And the project of a magazine is always an exhibitive one: its content s always going to be a kind of philosophy and cosmogony.
Of the fourteen artworks being exhibited in Casso, the SOLO magazine is most definitely the first one.
The magazine, open, methodically exploded, is set up as architecture of the word, at the centre of the exhibitive space.
Its pages, expelled, find room inside the space, activating it.
The space itself becomes the magazine, exploded.
Dolomiti Contemporanee Twenty Sixteen: parola prima
The general concept of the sixth season of Dolomiti Contemporanee is parolaprima (Eng.: word first).
An expression which wishes to convey that the (written, printed) word is the first and foremost image of all.
It is, even, an entity full of meaning that comes before – thus permeating it – every image.
Neat core of the idea itself, not yet molded through any kind of aesthetic mechanism of representation: the artist hasn’t started to play with said idea through the voraciousness of their own poietic circus.
The word, like the idea, is naked (and full, like solid rock).
Thus, the aesthetic choices at a later time intervene on the word which, being itself finished, finds itself in-action without having to manifest itself in a specific action, a kinetism, a plastic mechanism of communication.
The word, intended in such a way, doesn’t equate to any potential energy: it’s calm fire, with no blaze, expanding space in an homogeneous way.
Aesthetic choices, then, always come after the word, which is fully and quietly active, prior to plastic manifestation. Each of those choices, deliberatley (through taste, experience, impulsive subjectivity, phenomenal fortuity) traces a path and, by traveling it, transforms (reduces) the all-powerful word into an oriented and unambiguous construct – even when said construct is made to coincide with a mouth or door, wide open, as it gains a specific measure it loses its core essence, which lacked spefic qualities.
here the video of the exhibition.
Here some pics of the opening.
Here some pics of the set up.
May 16, 2022
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March 15, 2016