bent fibre / (Non-Euclidean Paths) – august/september 2019, Casso
Fibra flessa (schianta l’uomo non il bosco) / Bent fibre (the humans fall, not the wood)
4 august / 29 september 2019
curated by Gianluca D’Incà Levis
works by Giorgio Barrera and Filippo Romano
Much is known about Storm Vaia, or actually a little? Is the forest lost? Only from the human perspective, rather different from the nature’s one. This exhibition is the second apparatus of Cantieredivaia (Building site of Vaia), the research path that Dolomiti Contemporanee has taken the day after the calamitous event. Vaia represents at the same time a huge and problematic field of work and an opportunity for this territory.
Barrera and Romano conducted a survey of the places hit by the storm in Dolomiti Bellunesi and Dolomiti Friulane area. Through photographs and videos, they give us back a picture of the changed landscape and of the citizens who live in these places.
In collaboration with: Comune di Sappada, Proloco di Sappada, Filiera Legno FVG, AIBO, Progettoborca, Fondazione Francesco Fabbri, Lattebusche
Sentieri non-euclidei / Non-euclidean Paths
4 august / 29 september 2019
curated by Daniele Capra
works by mirko baricchi and alberto scodro
Sentieri non-euclidei presents about twenty canvas and sculptural pieces recently realised by the two artists, and some site-specific pieces developed during their residency in Dolomiti Contemporanee. The project analyses how an artwork is nothing but the result of a mental flow and of a physical process of stratification, characterised by non-linear and apparently contradictory trails, which require the observer to adopt new and huger interpretative criteria.
The title refers to the Non-Euclidean Geometries that permitted the overcoming of the theories based on Euclid’s postulates, widening the generative potential of this discipline.
In collaboration with: Galleria Cardelli & Fontana
May 16, 2022
June 28, 2021
June 20, 2017
March 19, 2017
January 25, 2017
August 29, 2016
April 16, 2016
March 17, 2016
March 15, 2016