29 July ’23 – Andraz Castle – Clockwork Fortress – New Cycle (by Krebs)
Clockwork Fortress – New Cycle (by Krebs)
Original title: Castello a Orologeria – Nuovo Ciclo (di Krebs)
an exhibition by Dolomiti Contemporanee with the artist of Squadra Cobra
Andraz Castle
29 July – 29 October 2023
Artists: Sergia Avveduti, Alessandro Brighetti, Paolo Bufalini, Luca Campestri, David Casini, Mattia Pajè, Giulia Poppi, Marcello Spada, Ivana Spinelli, Andrea Renzini
We are familiar with the Dolomite territory, in which Dolomiti Contemporanee (DC) has been working since 2011, identifying great and exceptional resource-sites, and giving an impulse to their valorisation, regeneration, and transformation, through the techniques and tools of contemporary culture and art. It contributes to the cogeneration of contemporary Landscapes, through a projective vision of Landscape and Heritage. Environmental, cultural, historical, architectural Heritage.
These neuralgic sites, not always fully expressed (sometimes not at all), are not tackled individually, but through an overall vision, an aggregative policy, which builds a reinterpretative, open, living, seminal, propulsive critical geography.
Now, after the first exhibition in 2013, et un’oseliera et non vi è, thanks to a reaffirmed collaboration with the Administration of Livinallongo del Col di Lana and the local authorities, DC returns to Buchenstein.
Thus, Castello a Orologeria is staged. The spaces of the Castle host the works of the Squadra Cobra, a phalanx of ten artists based in Bologna, who have ascended to Fodom, and have equipped the Castle with a series of installation works, sound reactions, and disseminative interventions, borrowing their themes from the territory and the creative imagination.
An extract from the concept (full text on dolomiticontemporanee.net/ITA)
[...] Here it is, this New Krebs Cycle.
How to say a poietic spiral metabolism. Another reagent is needed.
To produce a respiratory chain, which does not mainly concern the plants, but the mental producers, the psychoplasts, we might say.
Suddenly, the Cobra Team breathed Andraz.
These contemporary, non-automatic, anti-decorative metabolites. We called them, we affiliated, they came.
They started to explore the territory, we started to open it up to them, for them to see it, for them to enter it, for them to treat it, transforming its sediments.
A new energy is unleashed here, thanks to the Cobra Squad with DC, in that Manor that, after the mid-15th century, was the home of Niccolò Cusano, a new energy, overflowing from the battlements, descending beneath the peel as it gushes forth, galvanising the pulp, attacking and doubling the nucleus, modifying the bonds, bringing to the surface certain magmatic acids and buried metallic bodies, distributing them in the new rotating orbits, and so on. [...]
Partners: Castello di Andraz, Comune di Livinallongo del Col di Lana, Istitut Cultural Ladin Cesa de Jan, Arabba Funivie, Arabba Fodom Turismo, Vigili del Fuoco Volontari di Livinallongo, Ristorante la Baita, DB Group, Vini Biasiotto, Caffè Bristot, Speck Unterberger
Dolomiti Contemporanee
www.dolomiticontemporanee.net – www.progettoborca.net – www.twocalls.net
info@dolomiticontemporanee.net – press@dolomiticontemporanee.net
May 16, 2022
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