le fogge delle rocce – casso – 27 july/31 december ’24
le fogge delle rocce (the makes of rocks)
a collective exhibit by dolomiti contemporanee
nuovo spazio di casso at the vajont
27 july / 31 december 2024
Among the main themes characterising the Dolomiti Contemporanee (DC) 2024 season is Geology, as both lens and pickaxe, still digging into the specificities of the land and the mountains.
Therefore, we use geology, first and foremost, as a science, to get ourselves acquainted with everything around us.
But also, to probe into the aesthetics of shaping and reshaping the environment, which we conceive as an ever-dynamic entity, rather than a static fossil, collecting echoing reverberations, and thus coaxing to the surface a series of twin environments, combined and related spaces inside the poietic-cultural synapsis, the paste covering the mind-matter system, so that the two halves may appear concurring, rather than morosely detached.
These are augmented linguistic environments, those of an affirmed critical landscape, the word expanded, travelling out of its minimal scope of meaning, aiming to grasp further possible wide-ranging connections; suggesting references.
In short, geology, here, with all the inspiring and evocative precision of its very rich specific language, usually employed in this context to define the objects of scientific research in a timely manner, is therefore proposed, as well as used, in a versatile way, thereby prompting the scientific language to enhance, expand, bend, and enlarge the amount of meaning of some expressions and texts; to reapply it, as if it were a boiling mantle, to the context itself, which is the environment, i.e., the landscape, thus bathing it in a different light and perspective, one that is incremental as well as a terrific way to avoid observing that context as forever identical to itself, allowing a further understanding, which allows for the catalysing other research factors.
The landscape, we discussed, is a system of permutations, a perturbation, not mere illustration: something new each time. [... ]
sol lewitt
Dolomite, for instance, in our basic critical mixture, is augmented by another sedimentation factor, which possesses an intellectual nature, i.e., a capacity to dig deep. The sedimentary succession, to us, cannot be limited to pre-Palaeozoic carbonate rock, but progresses up to now. [...]
Dolomite, limestone, calcites, axons, and a chemical precipitation of cerebrospinal fluid then served lukewarm on a crystal-hard platter, a metasomatic sauce (critical-calcareous dolomitization; it is not premature) used as a garnish.
in short, humans are the psycho-metabolic supplement of calcium and magnesium. [... ]
Once more, paraphrasing the Bard, since we are not looking for protocols but rather insinuating fractures, and thus do so love the tempest: we are made of the same substance (of dreams); we are made of the same substance (calcium, magnesium, dreams), thunder and clouds are part of the process. […]
and yet, the substance changes, so it’s never the same, and what matters is the reagent. […]
Other questions, without which there are no answers.
What is a rock, what is a mountain?
The different digging methods, compatible approaches to the investigation of the subsoil.
What are the physical and intellectual characteristics that mark the sedimentary layers?
When a rock is made?
What and how do human stratify?
This way, by favouring connections are interactions, both in description and production, we move towards facies heterotopia, feeding and mixing different sedimentary environments, favouring the formation of new faults and folds. […]
Albrecht Dürer, Malancholia 1, 1514, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe
The artists are working, then, operating alongside apperceptive geologists, who cross the lands as scientific dowsers, continually struck – bombarded, even – by the extraordinary richness of the peaks and their definitions, peaks which are physical concentrations of ancestral processes, time machines, and also fantastical sculptures, with their polychrome hardness; these evocative arks are the very opposite of a grey flabbiness because, if you open and charge them, they show themselves to be bursting with the meaning of all things. And so on. […]
Naturally, ever since DC’s inception, artists have always intercepted the mountains, utilised rocks, collected stones, dug boulders, climbed, trod, and marked and ran up walls, pounded gravel, printed peaks, mutated mountains, collected landslides, grafted gems, and so on; this is natural, at least as it is artificial, a transformative, sometimes alchemical, renewing action.
How many times have artists re-exported the climbing routes or sunk quarries, installing their elaborate lithic constructions, or climbing upwards.
A thousand times have the peaks been taken, filled with holes, freed and reformed: just look through the archives, they are full of boulders and sketched paths.
For years we have cultivated a forest of these captured images, of the mountains being seized and represented: we have called it the makes of rocks, and now we carry it forward, we change its position, we stir it up, we modify its focus, we produce new shapes, without fear of altering the stratigraphy of the crucible […]
On April 15th, 2024, at the “Scòla” in Borca di Cadore, this House of “Ladina” Culture of Boite, Emiliamo Oddone, who is the co-founder of Dolomiti Project, held a preliminary lesson to photography students who, together with DC and Giorgio Barrera, take part in “Anatomy and Dynamics of a Territory”, as well as other participants, artists, curators, and so on.
The lecture, titled “A geo-mimetic approach to the reality of the Dolomites”, introduced some aspects of geology and landscapes.
And this was a first step of inception and intermingling (but Oddone had already come with us and with the artists in the Vajont area in 2015, for the To’non Ignà exhibit in Casso that year, and he is coming to visit us this year too, once again for an exhibit in Casso, this July, and the exhibit is about the aesthetic seizing of geology, as mentioned) which allowed the disciplines to engage one another, because the seizers-gatherers should be introduced to the Landscape and its Physics, as well as to the reworking potential of Fantastical Physics, and so on.
Oddone is leading some artists of the make of rocks inside matter itself and its electric folds […]
alberto savinio, monumento ai giocattoli, olio su tela, 80,5×65,5 cm, 1930.
May 16, 2022
June 28, 2021
June 20, 2017
March 19, 2017
January 25, 2017
August 29, 2016
April 16, 2016
March 17, 2016
March 15, 2016