meteor in ambient – September 12 Casso
meteor in ambient (meteor in the garden)
curated by Gianluca D’Incà Levis and Maria Centonze
september 12 – november 9, 2014
nuovo spazio di casso
Opening, Friday September the 12th
− 6 pm , Luca Magariello, Concert
− 7 pm, opening
Artists: Botto&Bruno, Andrea Caretto and Raffaella Spagna, Michael Fliri, Cecilie Hjelvik Andersen, Alessandro Piangiamore.
Meteorite in Giardino (Eng. “Meteor in the Garden”) is a contemporary visual art and music exhibit which takes place at the Merz Foundation of Turin. The exhibition takes its name from the title of a 1976 artwork by Mario Merz.
As it celebrates this year its seventh edition, with the programme OUT, the exhibit reaches beyond Turin involving, as cultural and artistic partners, two more structures: Dolomiti Contemporanee and Palazzo Riso, Sicily’s contemporary art museum.
Thus, the Meteor goes, moves. Between July and October, the artworks of the artists involved will be presented in Turin, in Casso, in Palermo, crossing over Italy.
The artworks will be reconfigured at every stop of the journey, absorbing topical elements which belong to the specific contexts.
In Casso, the artists face the environmental, socio-cultural, historical and peculiar specificity of this powerful location, re-thinking their artworks in relation to it.
The artists whom have been invited have been collegially selected by the Merz Foundation, DC, Riso, and are: Michael Fliri, Botto&Bruno, Cecilie Hjelvik Andersen, Andrea Caretto and Raffaella Spagna, Alessandro Piangiamore.
The musician who has been invited to Casso is Luca Magariello, cellist.
Starting from September and for two months afterwards, after the inaugurations in Turin, which have taken place in July, the very same seven artists will present their artworks again, then, but in the natural scenery of the Dolomites, in the exhibitive spaces of Casso, and in the noble halls of the Riso Museum of Palermo.
The project, thus expanded in reach, opens itself up for new perspectives which recognize in the active collaboration the possibility for a dynamic growth and a productive exchange. The will and necessity of moving the borders of the exhibition, after six years of experience in the city of Turin, is most of all stemmed from the desire of confrontation between different realities which have as a common denominator the one of promoting the artistic experience through shared languages, which are created from different social and environmental identities, passing through peculiar historical, cultural and economical characteristics.
Difference enriches, the tales of the “others” are stimuli for comprehension, and this leads to tolerance, curiosity, respect, acknowledgement of the other as an opportunity, culture. Right now, Meteorite in Giardino – as Maria Centonze writes – thanks to the convergence of the forces of Tunin, Casso, and Palermo proposes an exhibitive and musical project with a territorial undertone and with a strong vocation for circularity of proposals and ideas. A platform on which to lay down the conditions for a constant dialogue, implementing the acknowledgement of the other as a possibility to understand oneself and the environment which determines and defines us.
Opening times
From Tuesday to Sunday 10 am – 12:30 pm/ 3 pm – 7 pm
Closed on Mondays
May 16, 2022
June 28, 2021
June 20, 2017
March 19, 2017
January 25, 2017
August 29, 2016
April 16, 2016
March 17, 2016
March 15, 2016